Steak-House Style Tenderloin Filet

April 12, 2022 • 0 comments

Steak-House Style Tenderloin Filet
We all have done it. Gone to a favorite steak house, ate an incredible steak and wondered, "Could I possibly replicate that mouth watering taste and flavor?" Yes, you can. Below is a simple recipe for searing your tenderloin steaks, filet. Always remember to take your steaks out of the refrigerator for a bit before cooking. By letting your steaks come closer to room temperature before cooking this will help to avoid over cooking and a tough steak in the end. When it comes to steaks less is more. Steaks always are complimented by some of these tasty sides - garlic mashed potatoes, a bed of wild rice, steam veggies, broccoli, asparagus and even a homemade dinner rolls. Enjoy!
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  1. Bring steaks to room temperature before cooking.
  2. Preheat Oven to 425°
  3. Season filets on both sides with kosher salt & cracked pepper.
  4. Heat oven-proof pan for about 4-5 minutes over a medium heat.
  5. Add oil and heat slightly
  6. Sear steaks in oil on on side over the same medium heat. Roughly 4 or 5 minutes
  7. Flip over steaks in pan, put in oven and roast to desired doneness.
  8. Let steak rest for 5 minutes or so before serving.

Tip: For a medium-rare, keep in oven approximately 7 minutes.